Sphyzee Analytics
2 min readJan 2, 2022


Finding the lowest value and highlighting in DAX

We have the Sale date and in that, we want to show the month-wise revenue in that the client wants to see the lowes revenue of the month in each year for that we want to write a DAX function

Step 1:

Write a calculated table to get the Dates from the CalenderAuto() function also from the date function we need

Month =Calendar[date].[Month]

Step 2:

Get the Total Revenue in the measure

Total Revenue = Sum(SalesTable[Revenue])

Step 3:

Write the following DAX function

Lowest Monthly Revanue =

var _MonthlyRevanue =




“@Revanue”,[Total Revenue]



Var _minRevanue =


var _CurrentRevanue = [Total Revenue]

Var _result = If(_minRevanue = _CurrentRevanue,”Red”,”Green”)



Step 4 :

In the bar chart month as an axis and value as a revenue

The format the bar chat and then convert the data colour to function and select the measure you created

Now the bar chart will be shown the lowest revenue in red

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